Sunday, November 3, 2013

Study Guide - Competency 1 and 2 Test

Study Guide – Competency One and Two Exam
Social Studies 10

*Your exam will be written in class on Wednesday, November 7th.  However, you have a window of opportunity to write the exam ON YOUR OWN TIME, if you choose to use the class time on Wednesday to study rather than write.   You must arrange with me when you will write the exam and it must be completed before Thursday, November 14th. *

The exam will consist of multiple choice, matching, short answer and a long answer question.

It is based on ALL material covered so far!

Competency #1
Explore the Foundations of Globalization

Competency #2
Examine historical impacts and legacies of cultural contact between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples (exchange of goods and technologies, imperialism, influences on government and social institutions, Eurocentrism)

-       Empathy
-       Apathy
-       What is historical globalization?
-       Cultural Contact
-     Eurocentrism
-       What is imperialism?
-       What were the factors that lead to historical globalization – understand how these events created an atmosphere around the world that contributed to imperialism
o   Mercantilism
o   Industrialization
-       Understand the reasons for colonization
o   Economic – resources and raw materials
§  Eg. Cotton in India
·      Congo - rubber
o   Political
§  Power and prestige
o   Religious/Cultural/Humanitarian/Social
§  Spread Christianity and civilization 
§  White Man’s Burden – understand this term and what it means!
-       Know the facts about and understand colonialism (*And it’s legacy*) in each of the following case studies
o   British Imperialism in Canada – understand that the explorers came to Canada and attempted to assimilate (link back to the ‘white man’s burden’)
·      A legacy of imperialism
·      Understand what they were, how they operated (a method of assimilation) and how they are still affecting indigenous peoples today
o   British Imperialism in India
§  National Indian Congress
§  Self Determination
§  Amritsar Massacre
§  Gandhi
§  Satyagraha – Passive Resistance
§  Hindu and Muslim
§  Nehru
§  Jinnah
§  Pakistan
§  Partition and Independence (DATE!)
§  Caste System
§  Untouchables
§  Salt March
o   Scramble for Africa
§  Berlin Conference and its legacy
·      Colonization as it plays out in Rwanda
o   Rwandan Genocide
o   Civil War
o   Hutu
o   Tutsi
o   Why the genocide occurred
·      Colonization as it plays out in the DRC
o   King Leopold
o   Current issues in the DRC and WHY these are occurring (exploitation of resources)

REALLY focus on what the case studies have in common – we focused on EUROCENTRISM quite a bit so be sure to understand that and be able to identify!  The long answer will have you draw from ALL of the case studies – USE THEM AS EXAMPLES TO PROVE YOUR POINT!

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