Monday, September 16, 2013

Effective Presentations

We haven't had the opportunity to talk about effective presentations as you are currently researching and preparing to present your findings on the indigenous group that you have been assigned to the rest of your class.

With regards to the presentation, here is the criteria:
1. Each group member is responsible for speaking at some point during the presentation
2. You are to have at least one VISUAL to support your presentation (one picture/map etc.) One would be the absolute minimum - you want to explain something to your peers so it is best to use as many visuals to break down the content as possible. You could create a poster if you would like.
3. Incorporate one piece of MULTIMEDIA - a short video perhaps that helps your peers to understand the content
4. If you are using slides, do not place all of your information on the slides and read - we will talk the importance of BODY LANGUAGE, EYE CONTACT and VOICE during presentations before we present to the class.

You will have Monday and Tuesday to complete the research and prepare your presentation - you will want to rehearse this presentation with your group as well.  The presentations will take place on Thursday.  Knowing this, you may want to schedule some group time during Flex over this week!

Good luck!
Mrs. Shepherd

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