Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Study Guide

Study Guide – Final Exam
Social Studies 10-1

*Your exam is on Friday, January 25th 9:00am in room 129 and will consist of multiple choice and a long answer question.*

It is based on ALL material covered so far!

-          What is historical globalization?
-          Cultural Contact
-          Perspective (personal)
-          World View (collective)
o   Eurocentrism
-          What is imperialism?
-          What were the factors that lead to imperialism – understand how these events created an atmosphere around the world that contributed to imperialism
o   Industrialization
-          Understand the reasons for imperialism
o   Economic – resources and raw materials
·         Congo – rubber and Ivory
o   Political
§  Power and prestige
o   Religious/Cultural/Humanitarian/Social
§  Spread Christianity and civilization 
§  White Man’s Burden – understand this term and what it means!
-          Know the facts about and understand imperialism (*And it’s legacy*) in each of the following case studies
o   British Imperialism in Canada – understand that the explorers came to Canada and attempted to assimilate (link back to the ‘white man’s burden’)
·         A legacy of imperialism
·         Understand what they were, how they operated (a method of assimilation) and how they are still affecting indigenous peoples today
o   British Imperialism in India
§  National Indian Congress
§  Amritsar Massacre
§  Basic facts about India
§  Gandhi
§  Satyagraha
§  Hindu and Muslim
§  Nehru
§  Pakistan
§  Partition and Independence
§  Salt March
o   Rwanda
§  Understand the background of Rwanda and the Genocide in Rwanda
·         What was the genocide?
·         Why did it happen?
·         Who are the Hutu
·         Who are the Tutsi
·         How did the International Community Interact?
o   DRC (legacies today)
§  Child Soldiers
§  Exploitation of Resources
§  Exploitation of Women
-          NGO’s
o   what are they
o   what do they do
o   examples of NGO’s
-          Economic Globalization
o   Definition
o   How does it affect you in your everyday life
o   Foundations of Economic Globalization
§  WWI
·         Results – Reparation Payments
§  Great Depression – crash of the stock market
§  WWII            
·         Emergence of the UN (what is this group, why was it created, what does it do?)
·         Bretton Woods conference
o   Results
·         World Bank – Goals and Roles
·         International Monetary Fund – Goals and Roles
·         GATT and NAFTA as examples of Free Trade Agreements
·         WTO – Positives and Negatives
o   Factors that expand globalization
§  Communication Technologies
§  Trade
§  Transportation
§  Media
o   Benefits and Costs of Globalization
§  Impact of Transnational Corporations
§  Outsourcing – Criticisms of Outsourcing (loss of jobs, human rights, quality of goods)
-          Social Activism
o   What is this?  How do you practice it in your everyday life?
o   Should corporations practice activism?  How?
o   How do we balance prosperity and sustainability in our world?
-          Free Trade vs. Fair Trade
o   Benefits of Free Trade/Fair Trade
o   Criticisms of Free Trade/Fair Trade


If you have any questions, please let me know!  I am available to provide extra help whenever!  Also, you can email me (

Happy Studying!

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